Hello friends! I’m sorry it’s been so long since my last update – I’ve been hard at work on what I hope will be my next book for you. But in the meantime, I have some amazing news!
The Kinder Poison came out in the US during 2020 – a year that, you might imagine, was not great for new authors who rely on physical exposure to reach their first audience. With many stores still closed and all the usual marketing avenues like book conferences, events and even physical ARCs all cancelled, The Kinder Poison slipped quietly into the market here – albeit to the tune of some truly dedicated readers, who have helped it stay afloat since!
Fast forward 4 years to much more stable market. Last week, my German publisher LEAF released The Kinder Poison to the German market … where it became an instant bestseller in the adult market, hitting #10 on the Spiegel list – the German equivalent of a NYT bestseller.
I am so, SO grateful to the incredible teams at LEAF and Bücherbüchse for championing this book with their whole hearts, and of course to all my amazing readers both past and present whose support has made this possible. We have been a slow-burn kind of book (in all the waysssss 😉 ), but here we are.
The Kinder Poison is officially a top bestseller . . . and I am a bestselling author :’)